Name of Degree: Post Basic B.Sc. in Nursing Course Duration: 02 Years
Student Registration: A student has to be registered after admission as per BNC and University rules and regulations.
Eligibility criteria for admission: The applicant who meets the following criteria will be eligible to enter into the Post Basic B.Sc in Nursing program.
1. Entry Qualification:
a. The candidate must have passed Diploma in Nursing, Diploma in Midwifery/ Orthopaedics od Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery any educational institute approved/ affiliated by Bangladesh Nursing Council.
b. Staff registration must be updated by Bangladesh Nursing Council.
c. Graduate of the Diploma in Nursing Science and Midwifery program with a transcript indicating GPA no less than 2.00.
d. In case of government candidate, they should have at least 02 years job experience. on the other hand, job experience is relaxed for non-government candidate.
e. Applicant must be seated for the admission test examination arranged by BNC and have to get at least 40% marks.