The college library support academic activity of the institution through provision of wide range of services. The college has a large central library which is enriched with text books, reference books & foreign journals such as BMJ, Lancet, Journal watch etc. Library materials also include audio-visual material, CD-ROM, Database chart, Map, Computer, Internet, Well established Networking, Hospital Management Software and large collection of Educational CD’s.
The college has Pathology & Anatomy museum. Various pathology and clinical important specimen collected from operation and post mortem examination are displayed in college museum. These specimen are arranged according to system. Each specimen is accompanied by a detail description with clinical, pathological correlation. Important specimens are also accompanied by case histories design to illustrate the progress of disease.
The college has well equipped laboratories in all department. The Pathology and Micro-Biology laboratories are well equipped with modern instrument suitable for laboratory diagnosis and advanced studies.
4. Seminar Room:
The college has well furnished seminar room provided with modern audio visual Aids and teaching material.
5.Lecture Gallery:
The college has three lecture gallery with all facilities for teaching such as microphone system, overhead projector, slide projector, black board and Multimedia.
6. Teaching aids:
a. Over head projector
b. Multimedia with Computer, Software, printer.
c. Portable Screen
d. Photo Scanner
e. Microphone sound system
f. Photo Copier Machine
g. Model, Chart, Specimen
7.Computer Centre:
The college has computing centre providing computing and data communication facilities, advice and support for all academic activities. Some of the computers are linked to each other for quick communication.The center provide document on various topic for student on request.
Sports And Games, Study Tour Once in a year annual sports is held and organised by the college. Besides these, Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton etc. Common room where competitions are arranged regularly.